Municipal Waste Management

Municipal Waste Management


About Municipal Wastes

• 15 million tons of municipal solid waste per year in the Kingdom
• $ 10 billion of economic opportunity

Municipal wastes are the main types of waste and have an impact on daily life. They are primarily related to waste from consumption in homes and communities. Despite their low risk, they are one of the biggest contemporary environmental problems due to the huge quantities of waste resulting from modern life.

The Kingdom produces approximately 15 million tons of municipal solid waste annually, about half of which is food waste. The waste represents an economic opportunity of US $ 10 billion, of which only a limited part is currently being exploited Billion dollars by 2023.

How Does SEPCO Deal with Municipal Wastes?

Our approach at SEPCO to the problem of municipal waste is based on the 5R Hierarchy, a methodology that starts from dealing with the issue starting from the source by reducing everything that can turn into waste in consumer products, and then dealing with waste by nature to achieve the highest possible level of efficiency in utilization Including, in the end, to treat residues that can not be used and disposed of in a safe manner.

In order to achieve integration in the management system, SEPCO provides the environment with planning and awareness services at all levels: governmental and community, including waste management and internal use. Our services also include the supply of waste collection and recycling containers in accordance with European standards currently used in companies such as Saudi Aramco and Fuolia Water, as well as safes used for collecting paper and clothing as donations for recycling independently of other types of municipal waste. We also provide street sweeping cars and an electronic system to track the collection of waste as well as the provision of sorting lines and operation.

At the level of treatment, SEPCO designs, constructs and operates the material recovery facilities and provides a modern technical mechanism for the conversion of organic fertilizer waste that can be applied to modernize the existing facilities for faster production and higher quality of compost or establishment of new facilities. The French Ministry of Agriculture has approved the effectiveness and safety of this technology and the resulting fertilizers and conform to European environmental standards.


In addition to its ongoing awareness-raising activities aimed at the civil society and institutional sectors, SEPCO Environment recently completed the modernization project of the old compost plant in Yanbu. The unit covers an area of ​​65,000 m2 at a cost of SR 80 million. The project uses the latest mechanisms and techniques for the production of fertilizers from organic waste after separating them from the rest of the municipal waste, which will achieve the factory high production capacity while raising the quality and effectiveness of its products.

One of the vital projects in this field is the integrated environmental management of municipal waste from the Saudi Aramco refinery project in Jazan Economic City and the provision of a daily card sorting line.