Slaughterhouse Waste Management

Slaughterhouse Waste Management


About Slaughterhouse Wastes

Municipal and civil slaughterhouses annually produce hundreds of thousands of tons of solid and liquid waste resulting from animal slaughter. These wastes are a source of environmental pollution and a danger to public health or a wealth of multiple benefits depending on the mechanism of dealing with them and the management methodology. The percentage of human usable waste is close to 50% of the weight of a living animal, and in general it can be transformed into valuable industrial materials.

How Does SEPCO Deal with Slaughterhouse Wastes?

SEPCO Environment is developing its services in the coming phase and providing a package of integrated environmental services that focuses heavily on the treatment and recycling of solid waste through a set of modern environmental technologies to convert slaughterhouse waste to the environment. Sustainable economic resources to protect the environment from pollution and to benefit from the economic benefits of these wastes by recycling them into new industrial products, sources of raw materials, fertilizers, gas and energy, and providing new sources of income for municipalities and slaughterhouses. So that they do not pose a danger to public health such as the fertilizer industry and soil enhancers through fermentation or aerobic and aerobic digestion. The company also provides solid waste sterilization services using SEPCO Clave system, final disposal services from dead animals.